Paparazzi in Paradise

Over the Weekend. . .

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         There are rumors that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt got married over the weekend. I wish that was true, because I love them as a couple, but unfortunately they didn’t.

           I don’t believe at all that Heath Ledger has a love child. This is hard enough for the family to go through a death, I hope this woman isn’t just throwing this rumor on them to get at his money. His uncle was wrong to bring this out to the public, it should have been dealt with in private.

         I would absolutely love to see The Hills movie. I think that is a really good idea. For those who love The Hills, imagine watching an 2 hour episode!

          Lindsay Lohan is the worst actress ever, I believe she even won an award for that. Who in there right mind would want her in any show. She will play Nancy Pittman in the upcoming film Manson Girls.

         Its always sad to see a marriage break up into a divorce, especially if there was no infidelity involved. For Robin Williams, his marriage just ended after 19 years. Its going to be hard at first, but he will get through it.